Our Naval Ancestry

Apologies for the lack of comments the past couple of days, but my sister is down for the week to carry on ploughing through my mother's belongings as we continue to clear her bungalow. It's mostly paper, books, more paper, photographs, more paper ... so photo-opportunities have been limited.

Here, therefore, was our most exciting find of the day: our great-great-grandfather's copy (rolled inside a small wooden presentation box) of his Freedom of the City of London. It was presented to him, Staff Commander William Henry Williams, on 22nd February 1866, in the 29th year of the reign of Queen Victoria. How exciting is that! We both remembered being shown this document when we were children and were so thrilled when it finally came to light.

Our mother was very proud of her naval ancestry and it would have pleased her greatly that a former naval padre led her funeral service back in May and, in her honour, wore his naval regalia.

One of these days I shall research the family tree further. Maybe. If I have time.

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