3 Random Bob Challenge: Artificial

Not quite sure where today has gone. A dog walk with Gorgeous followed by a short work shift then a trip to Kirkwall and suddenly it was dark again.

I really struggled with today's topic but in the end and out of a little desperation I chose make-up. Specifically the sort that is trowelled on thick, generally with the addition of thick angular drawn on eyebrows. 

I don't own much - I always think I look pretty terrible with it unless it's extremely light. Quite a relief really as I really couldn't be arsed with fannying around applying it. Let alone worrying about it getting rained and blown off in winter or sweated off in summer or smeared all over me by dog and horse muzzles year round. I'd constantly look like a clown.

I'm a very straightforward kind of person, I don't think people should hide behind thick make-up. Just be real, people. Have an extra hour in bed.

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