Another Beautiful Day

By drewzealand

the Bigger Picture

Thought I'd put out the whole Christchurch train station before it goes.She's a beauty really.
Speaking of the bigger picture,I was putting out my recyclables about 4 pm yeasterday.I met a neighbour that I had never met before,Ian was his name.
After our little discussion about world events and other crap,we were saying good-byes,he mentions the clouds in the evening sky.He sounds worried,earthquake clouds he says.Do you see how they're criss crossing.
High above you can see the cirrus clouds definitely criss croosing each other.They look like ordinary cirrus clouds to me,wispy, but definitely criss crossing.Hmmmm....
Ionization ,he says.
Earthquake clouds,careful tonight.We say our goodbyes.
Have to learn more about this ionization.
11 pm, 2 decent earthquakes ,one in ChCh and one slightly north !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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