New Beginnings

What a day.

I had an operation on my tummy today. And I'm in so much pain! I had to be up and at the hospital for 7am- the most traumatic part of that until now was forfeiting my cup of tea and pack of nuts for breakfast this morning! 

I had to wait around a lot today. I found out I was third on the list, but I had to just sit on my bed and wait for most of the morning, which was a bit dull. I started to get a bit nervous. I spent quite a bit of time looking over my medical notes, including a trip back to 2009 when I had a burst appendix. It was without question the most horrible thing that has ever happened to me, and it was a bit upsetting seeing the pictures and remembering how much I suffered! 

I napped a little and they came to get me at 11am. I remember everybody being very kind, and that when the anaesthetic went in, my arm really hurt. And the next thing I knew it was 3:30pm and I was pushing the mask off of my face and mumbling that my tummy hurt. 

Apparently I'd given the doc much more to do than he expected, so I was in theatre for two and a half hours. My poor, poor tummy. I was nicely medicated but could hear everything around me but couldn't wake up. When I made myself it was nearly 6pm. But my eyes just kept watering. I thought it was the light, I kept rubbing them, etc, but they just could not stay open. They felt like I'd been swimming in a very chlorinated pool. I think I've had a reaction to the tape they put over your eyes. I've had four ops in my life, yet never had this before. They decided to keep me in, as I was in a lot of pain as well. 

It's been hard, because it's so familiar to when I was so ill with appendicitis. It burst, and I had peritonitis, and I was just so ill. It took me months to feel normal again. And I know now that in part, that has got me to where I am today. This is very painful, but hopefully now I will be pain free. And it's been good to know I wasn't imagining all of this. 

I should mention that a lot of the Filipino parents at school work at the hospital, and they have all been so kind coming to see if I was ok. But what I noticed was how much they enjoy their work, and really work as a team. They seem to enjoy their jobs, and caring for people. And it made me feel quite in awe of them. 

My mum and one of my sisters came to visit me tonight. They brought the most important things- an iPhone charger! It was just me and one other lady, and it was very quiet. But I was awake a lot of the night, and spent it dozing or reading on my phone. 

I've had a lot to take in today. Hopefully I will feel better soon, and can try and make a fresh start. 

In the meantime, here's a picture of my lovely eye. A nice lady doctor came late in the evening and gave me some antibiotic ointment which made them instantly a lot more comfortable. She also came and went through everything with me, as when the surgeon came earlier, I was off my face with pain and had my eyes shut, so I wasn't sure if I had dreamt our conversation. She really took the time to make me feel better, and I appreciated it a lot.

I would have liked to show you my lovely tummy, but I think that's best kept for private-I don't want to scare you ;-) Plus, we know how carefully policed all things to do with bodies are on here. Terrybob will understand ;-)

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