Everything is Alright, Uptight Outta Sight.

So very, very sorry to distress you all yesterday;  there was nothing massively wrong. 

I had a pain.  A pain which has been present for years, since I had my hysterectomy, and as it gets with small nagging pains, the other day I had had enough.  It was having a flare up,  I went to the doctor, he referred me, and nothing else, it got sorer, and I went back to the doctor and he skipped the referral and sent me straight down to the hospital for tests. 

Which is grand; considering the state of the NHS.  I also skipped the queue of 32 people sitting in A&E for which I apologise, but you know what, the very lovely A&E man announced to everyone that I was in a different queue from everyone else anyways, and that's why I would be gone from the queue quicker.  

I was whisked through admission, whisked thru X-ray and then I was abandoned in a surgical ward. 

And then a series of doctors came and prodded me; prodded me so hard I might have leaked; prodded me inside and out, took blood, took pee; stuck me on a drip and walked away again. 

Then I got a migraine. Then I threw up all over myself, and the bed and sent 4 little old ladies into melt down.   Then I got filled up with laxatives and other things, and then I threw up again.   Then I realised that the lights were not going off ALL night.  Then I was told Buscopan works for migraines as well as stomach pains.  Then I had to deal with two old ladies who fell out their beds. 

And then it was morning and I had had enough. 

I was told I couldn't have breakfast, because I was on "Liquids only".  I asked since when, as no one had told me.   Then half an hour later, food was available because "You have had a result".   Apparently, me going to the toilet suite was "A result".  No one actually asked me what happened in the toilet, so now I have to assume they have cameras in the toilet pan. 

My head was still killing me,  having "slept" with the lights on all night.  And I asked what was going to happened.  The nurse did not know.  I asked to go home.  She brought the doctor.  He pressed me until it hurt again and said "see, that's much better", and went to walk out the door. I said "Can I go home".  "It's not a prison", he said, "you can go home when you like, but, it depends on things".   "What things?" I said, as he walked away. 

I called the nurse back, as the doctor went on with his rounds; and I said "what things", and she said "I'll ask the other nurse".  And no one was able to tell me what things.  

The doctor who came to let me go, said "we wanted to keep you and monitor you", and I said "For what?" and he said "For pain".  I said, "The doctor has already said it's all much better".  I'm ready to go. 

And I went.  

And I came home - and look who came home, just to make sure I was okay!!!   And strangle Beau.

I did bloody tell her that I was fine, that I didn't need visits, but she knew other wise. And she brought me fudge, so that is perfectly acceptable. 



Thank you for all your concern, I'm fine, really, really fine :-) 

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