the turk returns

By skyedog



She kept vigil from the tower as the northerly winds
wrapped its icy fingers around her aging body.
The sea surrounding the castle lay still and black,
as she waited for the dark clouds to pass and the
full moon to shine.
She heard  the foot steps on the solid stairwell,
informing her that an intruder had arrived.
She held her breath behind the bolted door,
a knife held firmly in her hand, ready to strike!
Aloud thump on the door made her jump, the beads
of sweat ran down her face, she closed her eyes and
said a silent pray.
Another pounding knock on the door made step back
and scream, she heard muttering from beyond the door,
terrified, she shouted loudly "What do you want", to which
the reply came " £12.50....your pizza delivery is here".

ps Thank you all for the comments on my
2555 blip, much appreciated x


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