
By pensionspoet

Belgium...they're on their way!

We sat up last night until 11.30, woke Henry and were packed up and in the car 10 minutes later. I waited until after midnight before I took the photo of them piling into the coach. It felt odd leaving him and going home without ANY children. A taste of that empty nest feeling, and I didn't like it:-(
Anyway, they got away at 00.15 heading to Dover.

He texted me at 4.49am to say they were about to get on the ferry. I didn't get much sleep its fair to say, and when my alarm went off at 6, i could have done with at least 3 more hours!

Work was ok and at lunchtime i went to get some links taken out of my new watch strap. A present from mum & dad for my birthday, i can now wear it!

I left at 4 and got home at 5. Mum & dad have arrived for the weekend and Jon & Mollie beat me home by minutes. After the usual Friday pizza, Jon packed up and set off for Scouts where he is spending the weekend camping. Mollie & i did Morrisons, very pleased to be within £2 of my bank balance! Its been a few years since i was this broke a week before payday - i wish i had appreciated my old life a bit more. Anyway, I'm learning a lot about managing on a shoestring.

I have spent the rest of my evening surfing the internet. I've got a lot of stuff in my glass cabinet, so seeing if i can assess values of things & been making a few lists. Tomorrow its just me & Moll. Hoping to spend some more time with mum & dad talking about family history & stuff...

My bed is calling me.

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