
Today has been a really constructive one.  A friend came around with a trailer to help me sort a lot of excess junk that I've accumulated over the past 9 years.  When she got here she suggested we have a cuppa before we started, and I mentioned that I hadn't yet had breakfast as I was out of bread, milk and yoghurt.  30 seconds conversation decided us that we should go out for brunch before starting work.

So, after brunch at the Red Barn we spent a couple of hours slogging away, sorting rubbish and recycling, then headed out to the dump when it opened at 1 p.m.

After our trip to the dump we felt we'd earned an icecream so a trip to the shop was necessary, then we headed back to reload her trailer with all the stuff she'd 'rescued' from my clean out.  I had promised another friend that I'd pick her up this afternoon and take her out for a coffee as she has been housebound as the result of a nasty accident (gored by an angry cow).

We went out to Maruia where we enjoyed coffee and a later lunch and lots of chat.  I finally got home after 6 p.m., and Jasper begged for another swim so we headed off to the river.

Home now.  Exhausted but feeling like a lot was achieved.  And I've picked up some boxes so the clean out can continue as I sort stuff to donate to the local op shop.

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