
By DawnAgain


A double whammy of cold and wet today and the dogs have (so far) gone without a walk. I was up and out early myself this morning and drove through sleet to Winchester for a presentation skills workshop. It was really good and I learned quite a few new things. We all had to participate in various ways throughout the workshop and, in my case, this involved reading cold to the group a prepared (by the tutor) speech on a subject I knew nothing about. Apparently my public speaking from a script is excellent, particularly my use of intonation and pauses. Who knew? I got a round of applause at the end and when I went to the loo during the break three girls there at the same time took the trouble to say how well I did. As part of doing a PhD is presenting your research to people and as I now have something to share I'm going to start putting myself about a bit, starting gently with the research symposium at the university in April.

I'm quite tired now after a late night last night. Son2 is recovering from a party and late night (which was the cause of my late night), Son1 is on his way back from a friend's as I type, following a trip up to Camden last night to see a band, and Mr DawnAgain is out watching a football match. Rather him than me! Three of us are off now for Half Term and looking forward to catching up with people and things next week.

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