
By cowgirl

Flower Friday: Against all odds

We live on a new estate. You'd think there would be no need to dig up any front lawns to reposition electricity cables that are in the wrong place, huh?

So, when they came to connect up the street lights, the electricity company discovered the cables weren't in the right place. The building contractors had to dig up a long strip of ground infront of several houses, which they put ugly flimsy barriers around and metal plates as a bridge onto our drive. It was like that for about two months, because of some mistake in the planning again.

Sav complained! It was a mess and a bit annoying as nothing was being done. The builders agreed and filled in the trench so it wouldn't be so bad over Christmas and the New Year period when nothing would be done anyway.

They came back at the beginning of the year and got it all fixed pretty quickly this time.

Whilst the guys were out the front digging away, they kept apologising and said it would all be made good when they finished. I wasn't that bothered as I don't like the plants that were planted out there originally and was hoping they'd be thrown away. They haven't been, but neither have they been replanted.

However, what I did forget about were all the bulbs we had planted in October time! Luckily, a few of the snowdrops have struggled through, against the odds. Amazing really, as all the ground there was dug up, so goodness knows where the bulbs got displaced to.

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