Jeffrey Street
This is Jeffrey Street Wharf in the suburb of Kirribilli. This wharf doesn't get used for ferries anymore so it just sits there with great views. Some nights the brightness is the bane of my life because it really throws out the 'light' balance of photos. So tonight I embraced the brightness and tried to incorporate it as a part of the photo. My measure of success was if I needed to do any post processing to tone it up or down, since my tweaks have been white balance I must have taken a decent exposure so I'm happy.
Its a clear night, there are a few people on the wharf mainly fishing and a couple just hanging out.As you can see the city is in the background but blocked by the wharf. The brightness really casts these amazing reflections. There is also some famous bridge in the photo, not sure if you can notice it, but like my Opera House blip a couple of days ago the bridge lights are also reduced during the mid week nights.
LARGE lights on a large harbour with a lARGe bridge
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