Down in the Depths

For once, I've spent little time taking photographs today. But I did find half an hour to pop into the minster whilst I was in Wimborne! :) Today's blip was taken in the crypt, down in the depths of the minster - you can't say I don't give you variety! (Well, maybe I overdose a little on sunrises and sunsets........)

I've been playing with those Lightroom presets again - they're great as a starting point to then tweak and change as seems fit! A bit noisy, as I had to up the ISO because it was very dark and handheld but not bad considering!

Is it just me, or do you think this looks rather like a surprised dog's face? :)) Take another look at the thumbnail, if you don't see it!

Thank you so much for all the great comments, stars and hearts you've been leaving on recent blips - all very much appreciated!


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