Pampered Ponies

Up at silly o clock this morning, follwoed by a round of musical beds!
Daddy went off to the shooting show, we headed off to ballet. Wom was good as gold sitting on my lap the whole time. From here we headed to the ponies. Again, they were both good as gold as I layered them both up to battle the freezing temp of 2 degrees. I on the other hand was not suitably dressed, I left my wellies at home along with my thick socks! brrrrrrr.

Munchie had a fabulous time riding and grooming, She was happy to ride out with the owners and apart from checking up on me every so often, we hardly saw her.

They both fell asleep in the car - I snuggled them both up, one in bed and one on the sofa and let them sleep. They both slept for two hours, which was lush, but a bit odd. I had tons of jobs to do, but was so snuggled with Munchie on the sofa that I didn't move.

They had a late lunch, daddy got home, we had late lunch and then played. Baths, Snuggles, Sleep, Supper, Sleep

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