Patisserie Angelica

OilMan came up with a great master plan for today's activities with my brother Rick who is with us for the weekend. We would walk in the Laguna with Ozzie, go to the Sebastopol Farmers' Market and then perhaps on to the cheese maker's place for a big wedge of St George, the only cheese produced by the elderly cheese maker and his wife.

It was a beautiful morning in the Laguna. A balloon with its basket full of passengers floated overhead, a tree full of vultures held out their wings to warm in the morning sun and all was quiet in the vineyard where the vines waited with their arms outstretched to be pruned. A few ducks floated aimlessly in the pond. The most purposeful movement in the whole place was the dogs rushing along the trail toward some important goal known only to them. 

We were sidetracked on the way to the Farmers' Matket by Patisserie Angelica. It has been there for years but never open. It is owned by two sisters who trained in Paris as pastry chefs and have quite a reputation for their beautiful wedding cakes. It appeared to be open this morning, so we went in to investigate. It has several tables and a big corner banquette covered with pillows. We chose our pastries, ordered coffee, sank into the cushions to savor every delightful sip and bite. OilMan bought some goodies to bring home, killing two birds with one stone, so to speak by making sure one of them (mine) was heart shaped. I put a picture of them in the extras. 

When we rounded the corner to the Farmers' Market, we realized something was wrong…there were no familiar white tents, no crowds of people with shopping bags, no crawling lines of cars looking for a place to park. That's because the Farmers' Market is on Sunday.

On the way home we replanted tonight's dinner with Rick, who is also our own special personal chef when he comes,

We forgot to go to the cheese place.
We'll have another chance to get it right tomorrow….

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