
By mef13

Clementine artform

Well, It made an impression on me - clementines complete with the stalk and a few leaves.
They struck me as an art form, making considerably more visual impact than an orange or satsuma or clementine on its own.
My sister-in-law fortunately was able to secure a box of them on a chance visit to the local greengrocer.
Well, we all love fruit in the house, but this was something extra special!
Alright! I know the first thing we do is tear off the skin to peel them and discard the stalk and the leaves. But I couldn't help pausing to take stock of the tremendous boost to presentation, firstly in the fruit bowl, and then when served on a plate.
A significant part of the skill of preparing good food, is being able to adopt an appealing presentation, and just this little addition was sufficient to give the humble
Fruit a lift to another level.
My, they're juicy and tasty, too!

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