Spring is here?

After Monday's CRAZY HOT weather, we had a much more reasonable temperature.  In fact...It was the perfect sort of temperature.  I was much more prepared for it this time.  

Work was good.  I spend several hours at our local fire department helping out at our monthly car seat clinic. We helped several families find safer ways for their children to travel.  

I grabbed some lunch, and started on back to the office when I noticed all the beautiful blossoms on the trees in town.  I pulled over and took some time to capture the beauty.  It is hard for me to shoot in these situations, as I don't want to get to absorbed in my lens and forget to be aware of what is happening around me.  I kept having to disengage and make sure I was safe.  Just as I finished up I looked up and saw two doctor friends walking by across the street.  They waved, and yelled a "hello" to me.  I was "caught".  Funny how I felt a tiny bit embarrassed, but I know there was no reason to.  We all should take time to enjoy the beauty around us.  

Sugar had a good day at school, and a friend dropped her by my office after school.  She worked on some homework while I finished up my work, then we headed on home. 

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