
By Angelique


A late posting for yesterday.  We decided to go exploring as there are so many small coves we still haven't discovered.  This is Portloe on the edge of the Roseland Peninsular on the south side of Cornwall.  It is very small, and on this particular day, very damp and cold.

It is a proper working fishing inlet and there were lobster pots dotted around the small boats.  Apart from a small Hotel called The Lugger and the Ship Inn, that was it.

As Mr A didn't have his wallet with him we managed two larger halfs in the  pub before setting back to the warmth of the car.  I have been plagued with severe back ache over the last few days and the cold hasn't helped.

So I have opened cards and presents from Mr A this morning.  Also sister Redflash and my dear Matthew sent lovely cards.  Always a joy to see Matty's writing and spelling.  I am a Speshial, speshial Mum, according to him and the only son to take the time!!

The sun is shining so we are going to C Bay for lunch overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. 

Thank you dear Blip friends for your kind wishes and love which I return xxxxxx.

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