Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Hide and Seek

Home and would love to say dry, but sadly in this country we seem to have forgotten summer, but I managed a walk out between downpours, one of our usual walks takes us across fields, the field had been took over by cows, I'm afraid to say I'm abit nervous around them and they do always decide to run after me.

So Roo thought if he hid they wouldn't see him!!!(plus he's had a trim so he's not so Hugh Grant anymore) but you'll just have to wait and see!!!

I had a great welcome home from the dogs and Mexxi really made a fuss which was lovely as I've only had her roughly 6 months but it's like I've always owned her! Kanga was just as mad as a hatter, Bean was on springs and Roo was totally in a bad mood! But thankfully he's got over his tantrum!

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