
I woke up before 6am this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. Annoying!! It's been happening a lot lately. I used to be able to sleep until noon without any effort at all!!
Mr K took Miss E swimming first thing and then took both of them to Looby Lu's.
I had a bath and read about Damien Hirst!
Mrs W came round after lunch bringing Miss T for a sleepover with Miss E. She stayed for a few cups of tea and it was nice to catch up.
Once she'd gone the Little Misses and Miss T all disappeared for the afternoon. There was craft, hair brushing, drawing, make-overs, a fashion show, chocolate biscuit making, banana-biscuit cake making and pizza making.
Surprisingly they got themselves ready for bed pretty early. Teeth cleaned and jim-jams by 7pm!
Miss L had a story and went straight to sleep. 
Miss E and Miss T went into Miss E's room and surprisingly turned the light out and went quiet pretty quickly.
At 9pm Miss E came out to say that Miss T was a bit upset because she couldn't fall asleep. Lots of cuddles, a chat with mummy and snuggling in with Miss E and all was well. 
So an early night for me too!

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