Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Missed it

The plan was to walk up Binsey and watch the sun setting over the Solway.  But I didn't allow enough time so missed it :(   A guy caught up with me on the way down, he said he'd seen the sunset and it was good but not spectacular.  He's on a Wainwright mission and Binsey was his 6th fell of the day!  I think he said he's got another 80 odd to do before the year is out.  Rather him than me :)

Saw some geese flying over the marsh this morning, see Extras.  Also the Starlings are still around, enjoyed watching them on the marsh this morning and then this afternoon they were in the garden again and they've left their mark on my car.

Misty's friend has gone home and she has another friend to play with now who some of you will know, a little black and white spaniel who I am sure will be blipped at some point over the next few days. 

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