
By Rafstar99

Pizza madness!

I had quite a packed day today. First, I had a hospital appointment at Sheffield at 11:15. That only took till midday. I love city's now, but I bet when I start driving I won't. It's crazily busy!

When I was back at my place, I went for a look round Aldi. The cool thing is, I actually walked round. It must have been really great exercise! We bought pizza toppings. I had some lunch and then my mate, Jake, came round. We played a few board games and then had a bash on bowling on the Kinect. We also made our very own pizzas! Naturally, I picked every single topping there was on offer. My mum set up all the toppings in a 'sub-way' style. First I picked the toppings. Then I cooked it. Then I ate it! For dessert, I had choc-chip mint ice cream with raspberry sauce (everyone said that combination would be gross. Oh were they wrong!)

Patient: Doctor help me please, every time I drink a cup of coffee I get this intense stinging in my eye.

Doctor: I suggest you remove the spoon before drinking it!

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