Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Up hill and over dale ..poor Dale..

Boom-tish ...
It's half term ..... Lie in for me ... Sort of ,I went to meet Tits McGee for a dog walk at 9.30,I wanted some photos of frosty bits but they had all melted away due to the stupid sun we had ...
Did loads of housework ... Well loads for me ... about an hour ... Then needed two hours rest .. It's proper exhausting being me.
Took Eve and Lucy to the best hairdresser (except mine ) in the country ... (It's true he has won hairdresser of the year TWO years running )
Ladies of local nature I can indeed highly recommend THAT Martin who owns Mode just outside of Chipping Camden .. Mr W thinks he is great, I think he's passable ;-) but I do adore his long term partner beautiful Alan .

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