
By hannahstar


Today was a great day.

Firstly these watercolour paints came that I ordered. I used them in Borneo and really liked them so decided to get some for myself. Now I can continue in my artistic attempts!

Then I went out for lunch with all the Steed girls, Jo and Anna. We went to a garden centre for lunch, then another one to see some animals. Then we went back to the Steeds'  house and had some interesting debates until it was time to go home!

Call the Midwife as per in the evening. :D

I can't believe I've been home for a month now! It feels much longer. I guess I am getting used to things a bit more now, although it still feels a bit strange. 

Oh whoops, just realised this is a milestone entry and it's hardly a good photo for it! :P I was just having too good a day to find time to take photos!!!

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