Got the tube and it really wasn't as busy as I was expecting.
Last day of invigilating, stuck in a dark room with clashing sound pieces on a constant loop. I thought I might go crazy.
Our plan had been to go to the Saatchi and we all went there (Rosie, Graham and Harry) to find it was shut for some stupid private event. I was well up for the Saatch. We went to Muji to slightly make up for it.
I then headed back and walked around Kentish Town high street going in all the cool foreign foods shops. I got the Rhems' as Emily was just heading out so I was left there. It felt a bit weird.
Rhema came back and made a mean risotto and we watched 'Strictly Kosher' and her screensaver and argued about embroidery techniques whilst wearing embroidery rings on our heads.
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