The morning after....

We've had a steady day today. The girl woke at 5am and snuggled restlessly until 5.30 with me. I suggested she get up. She popped back in at 6.30, having written a story, then went off til just before 7.30 to make a drawing/sticking creation about Spain, which she proudly presented me with in bed. She then made me a cup of tea and brought it to my bed. There are perks to these tiny humans becoming less tiny! 

We have done jobs around the house today- we did a cooked breakfast, made a new home for the bunnies outside again, we tidied her bedroom, she had a very long bubble bath, we changed the beds, general jobs like that. She had a great time in the garden whilst I did some of the jobs- it's the first time really that she has played out there as we moved in just as autumn was descending. She enjoyed playing with the bunnies as they settled into the new pen/their house. 

Mid afternoon we headed to town to print a photo of her duet to show her piano teacher. We then went to collect her medals from the engravers, which she put straight on (I get the class/age group/year engraved on them all). It was music lesson time after that. She did a solid hour's lesson, unstoppable on all three instruments really. Her teacher said the clarinet is just flying along, she's very pleased with her. We had the first clarinet-recorder fingering confusion. She did piano-clarinet-recorder, so going to the recorder, she had some muddles! B has a friend's dog staying so as soon as her lesson was done, Katie was excited to go snuggle with him and watch some TV. After my lesson we came home and she was immediately starving. A huge plate of spag bol and a bit of Home on DVD.... I suspect bedtime will follow in short time. 

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