
By pattons6

Day at the museum

We had an okay night. My sister And I share a room, I have a big girl bed and my sister has a cot. Our beds are at right angles to each other. My head is at her feet. During the night my sister sometimes wakes up, when she does she turns round in her cot and puts her hand out to touch me. Mummy says it's lovely. This morning I woke up with my sister touching me face. She was sound asleep but touching my face. She misses me so much.

Today we went to the museum. We had fun as we got the bus instead of taking the car. There was a special event on too. It was a Lego area, we could build lots and see lots of very special models.

We had a lovely packed lunch at the museum. Even my sister had a packed lunch.

Tonight my sisters friend is staying so we all had a tidy round. We had to make the family room in to a bedroom for the night for them. I had fun helping.

Tonight at bath time we had a surprise. Mummy had made a glow stick bath. We both love them. We put the light out and switch the bubbles, the lovely colours then appear like magic. I have them with me beside my bed tonight.

We are both now in our room, in ours beds, lying down. It's very stormy so we may be up due to the storm.

Ps my sister did brilliant tonight with her milk. She has been refusing to take bottles, only wanting to feed from mummy. Tonight though she took a whole bottle with no fuss. Slowly, slowly, each day at a time.

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