
By TheJuicyDoyenne

Valentine Tree

I love having a live Christmas tree in the much so that I rarely dismantle mine until late February. Most folks probably think I am crazy but I have even been known to transform my Christmas tree into a Valentine's Day tree; which is, in fact, what I have done this year.
Yes, I have a 6-ft pine tree in my living room gaily covered in colored lights, red paper hearts on which I have penned glittery love messages; and sprightly sprigs of white baby's breath can be spotted here, there and everywhere among the branches.
This is a photo of the first of my love messages to be placed on the tree. I took this pic to send to my husband, who has returned to France after spending the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays with me here in Pennsylvania. Once again we are forced to spend Valentine's Day apart, which has both of us feeling a little down and this was my attempt to cheer things up a bit.
Je T'Aime Mon Amour...Tu Me Manques Terriblement. XoXoXoXo

"Separated lovers cheat absence by a thousand fancies which have 
their own reality.  

They are prevented from seeing one another and 
they cannot write; nevertheless they find countless mysterious ways
of corresponding, by sending each other the song of birds, the scent
of flowers, the laughter of children, the light of the sun, the sighing 
of the wind, and the gleam of the stars - all the beauties of creation."

~ Victor Hugo 

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