Butter wouldn't melt...

...when I first spotted him, he was half hanging off the ledge round the corner staring intently at the pigeons.  As soon as he saw I was paying attention, he nipped back round and took up a position of innocent nonchalance.

He reminded me of the old Seceder Cat.   In former times it was a tradition for Church choirs not to sing the sacred words of Psalms and Hymns on secular days when they practiced.  So nonsense rhymes were made up so that they could rehearse the music.      These verses were sung to the tune Lyngham - "O for a thousand tongues to sing."

There was an old Seceder cat
And it was unco grey;
He brocht a mouse intae the Kirk
Upon the Sabbath Day.

They took him tae the Session
Wha him rebuked sair,
and made him promise faithfully
tae dae the same nae mair.

And noo a Sabbath day he sits
Like some auld clockin' hen,
and cannae understan' at'a
The weys o' Mice and Men.

Notes:    The Seceders were one of the many bitter breakaways from the Church of Scotland in the 18th century.    
The Session is the local church court in charge of the life of the congregation.   In olden days, it disciplined the people of the parish on matters of morals.

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