Some more energy today, and lovely sunshine so a walk round the park. I forgot it's half term so there were lots of noisy families scaring the birds away and more soggy bread floating in the pond than you could shake a stick at. The ducks and geese were obviously replete and hiding on the island, and the gulls were all airborne.

I'm trying to decide whether to go out with the Wild Girls tonight. I want to, but I secretly think it would be a mistake. Early to bed would be better I think, re-reading Bleak House after getting caught up in watching Dickensian on TV. I was a bit sniffy about it at first but then got hooked. Stephen Rea and Pauline Collins are wonderful in it. I re-read Great Expectations last week when I realised that I've never read it all the way through, although I've seen lots of screen adaptations.

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