My 365 Photo Challenge

By Sarahsblips

Spreading a little care

Got these from work the same day we had our mental health awareness day

Sending a few out to some of the people I met during my volunteering at age concern that I've stayed in contact with. Most of them don't use the Internet or at least would rather say in touch by phone or letter. That is totally fine with me I love it! But I haven't seen a few of them face to face in a while and would like to make sure they are doing ok and still happy :)

Making an effort to reach out to people is important. I have seen how many older people are so lonely. No one knows! It's so sad! But they go days without even speaking to anyone! and really a lot of them are intelligent, experienced and down right hilarious people! :D

Make the effort to reach out to people in your community :)

Spread a little care :)

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