Another Sunrise

Sometimes, traffic jams have their uses.  They give me an excuse to stop right there on the highway and shoot, this time through the window on the passenger side.  There was an accident on the A16 indicated on the matrix board, so I opted for the A29, which of course filled up in no time with all the other drivers like me who didn't want to plough through the traffic on the A16.  Arrived about 15 minutes late, but a student phoned me and was 'reassured' that I would show up.  Later in the day, the clouds rolled in but ... I had my shot!

So far, everything's been going fine since the winter break.  I am simply amazed I've made it this far without any serious physical pain or headache, although I am tired and my hot flushes are a nuisance.  Occasional burn-out symptoms but I am used to them by now and can cope.  That said, I'll be mighty glad when this week is over because ... we'll be having a week of spring break next week!  Sleep, oh glorious sleep ... and not so glorious catching up with housework ... haha!

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