Railway passion
I’ve taken to using the Underground to get around the last couple of weeks. And that’s a big change for me, more used to getting into the car to move from one place to another around the south coast.
But then neither bus services or the train in the regions provide quite the same convenience as London’s Underground.
Don’t get me wrong, I love travelling by train, and have an affinity with railways. And I enjoy the privilege facility of a senior citizen’s bus pass which I make use of whenever I can.
The Underground service in London is something else however, and these last couple of weeks has been my favoured way of travel. For a start I discovered trains ran every ten minutes from the local station, and even taking parking costs close to the station into consideration, the tube became very much cheaper for the journeys I wanted to make, than opting to go by car and then having to find expensive parking near a shopping centre.
Mind you, in the suburbs the Underground was much more akin to normal rail travel, because most of the journeys I made you were not travelling underground at all.
Not sure I would wish to commute this way though, because during rush hour in particular, the trains do get very crowded. But then, so do roads.
This week however, travelling by Underground has allowed me to indulge my passion of travelling by train. And even my one journey into central London proved to be much less hassle than I had feared. And cheaper on the pocket too!
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