This is really last night, the end of a good friend's 39th birthday party. A fine night too. I was going to put on a picture of the hero of the hour himself, but my only shot was a bit blurry and rubbish. He's a bit annoyed with blip, as it happens, as he can't get the rss feed to work on his mobile. I haven't really got a clue about all that, but it's grand that he wants to look at it so if anyone has any advice on that, let me know.
It does seem now that my friends are getting all they need to know about my life from this journal... and not calling for a chat. Not that I'm complaining, of course: too many evening phone calls would interfere with my time on blip. But I think I might invent a secret blip life to spice things up a bit.
So look out for lots of reports coming up on my hang-gliding course and my new career as an international lady of mystery.
Happy birthday, Chris.
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