Pretty Little Thing

By KatWhy3011


Right, well, todays photo is a photo of me and Rhiannon dressed up to go to town. It was taken a while a go and our friend Kirsty came with us but as were only 17, she didn't look old enough, had no ID, so we just bought drink and chilled at mine. Wasn't a bad night in the end.

It's quite upsetting at the minute, I miss my baby brother loads, I saw him today which was nice. Also, my friend Craig doesn't want to be friends anymore as he says he will just fall for me more, but i know we dont speak much, but I dunno, i cant seem to let him go. He's one of the nicest, kind people I've ever met, and I've only met him for about half an hour. It was weird how comfortable I felt with him though, it was lovely, he really cares, and I really care for him

But here we go, as usual, Josh
He got his phone taken off him on monday, and I never knew this, so I've been worried sick he was ignoring me. So today I waited for him in the pouring rain to get back from school, me standing at the top of his street. So he apologized and explained and we went back to normal. Later on, he popped round while taking Archie for a walk, (his dog, who is adorable, ill blip him one day), so yeah, he stood at my porch and we were talking and I can't remember how but he made a bet that i couldn't not see him for a week and bet a fiver on it. I then kinda snapped as it sounds like he doesnt want to see me for a week, i mean i haven't spoke to him in 2 days, now this.
So he started walking off after i said it sounded like he doesnt want to see me, he was yelling snidy remarks, you know when you cant hear what they say, but you hear the sarcastic tone in their voice. Yeah that.

So really, I don't know what to do. I was thinking, a fiver is worth seeing him for, but then I want to prove to him and myself I can do it. Maybe he will crack first?

I'll do anything
Give me some advice?

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