Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

20 Minutes Dream

Goodness Gracious Me for 20 minutes my daughter thought she dreamt when she drove a Tesla   and I was one of her passengers....

We'd visited a Salesforce presentation where Tesla was put forward as one of the products of the new industry that creates new devices that don't run on fossile fuels. Ofcourse the aim for this century is to quit from all fossile fuels as energysuppliers cause they're air-polluters and Tesla cars are a wonderful starter in this field. Like many they're looking forward to the day that boats and planes sail also on non fossile fuels, so that all mobility is realised without carbon dioxide emission!
The Tesla cars run on batteries only and at present their range is 300-400 kms till they need to be recharged, what is possible in little time as half charged batteries don't get killed off... WOW !

And after all the presentations visitors were allowed to make a testdrive in a Tesla, for which my daughter opted too and I agreed to be her passenger... She loved driving this vehicle and leaning backward  and not hearing an engine roar, I felt like Miss Daisy for a while!

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