Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Lord Byron considers changing deodorant...

This (some might say odd-looking) 9ft sculpture of the world-famous poet Lord Byron and his wife Annabella Milbanke, is the work of Seaham artist David Gross, and carved out of oak, cherry and cedar to commemorate the Byron's wedding at Seaham Hall in 1815. It has been placed at Byron Place shopping centre in the town.  

According to local TV it is a controversial erection.  No doubt the squeals of delight from those so inclined is small compared to the howls of derision from those destined to look at it every day on their visit to Wilko's.  (So pontificated the man I was talking to in Costa Coffee just across the road from it).  He may have a point?

Although Lord Byron didn't live in Seaham for very long whilst he was here he wrote some of his most important works.  Interestingly, Byron thought of William Wordsworth as a pompous idiot and WW thought likewise of laudanum taker Byron - driven in no small way by Byron's prolific output and commercial success compared to his own.  Byron died aged 36 in 1824.

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