Vibrant hellebores in Bank Gardens
Helena is returning from her short holiday in Wales this afternoon, being driven back by Helen who is coming to stay with us for a few days. I went to the market this morning and then met Camilla for coffee and a big catch up. She is a colleague of mine as a fellow trustee of the Preservation Trust as well as a member of the Lansdown Hall Working Group. It was useful for me to hear what had happened at meetings in my absence as I have to chair the next Working Group meeting next week.
Early this morning I noticed that TMLHereAndThere had blipped a flower to mark another Flower Friday challenge, so I was on the look out for a suitable subject. As I walked past the church and down some steps into Bank Gardens I saw a bed of mauve flowers and realised they were an array of hellebores, and much darker than the pink ones we have in our garden. I rather like the fact that there are three stages of flowers - a bud, a lower and the beginning of seed formation. To be honest I think I prefer the mauve ones. So here is my entry to 'Flower Friday19', which is also on Friday, February 19th.
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