
By Bimjim4

Bit "nerdy" this

Decided ro paint the garden fence today, since there was some rare sunshine about (to start with at least!).
Trauma ensued!
In the garage we had a new garden fence spraying kit, and on a shelf some B&Q garden fence paint. All OK so far.

Unfortunately the paint had been sitting on a shelf in the garage for at least a couple of years, and, as it turned out , had become rather too viscous to be deliverable via the said pressure spraying kit.
Result - a minor disaster. The damned thing clogged up and then semi exploded with green fence paint eveywhere, including my face and specs! I ended up resembling some latter day green man.Fortunately I was wearing overalls ( once navy , now green!)

So plan B - wash and clean up.
Clean the spray gun and put it away.
Resort to brushing the dubious paint the old fashioned manual way.

So here are some of the rehabilitated and freshly painted panels, said yoghurty paint used up.
I am showered and restored, and some new and sprayable paint acquired and ready for the rest of the job.

Needless to say it is now raining cats and dogs again, so have to wait patiently for another dry and comparatively windless day so that the job can get finished.

Great life isn't it?

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