Tortillas for dinner

My son did call me in the middle of the night to take him home from the prom night party that I told yesterday. We were back home at 01.45am. He and his closest friends are still underaged to drink any alcohol, so I am proud that they all were sober still in the night :) - just dancing and having nice time. Well done boys!

Would have been lovely to sleep late in the morning. but the grazy new budgie of ours did think it is time to wake up at 9.30.
But of course it was a good time to start a shopping saturday with the teens - a new (bigger sized) feather coat for my son is now waiting for the next winter. And we did have a nice stakeburger lunch in the city at Manhattan stakehouse.

In the afternoon it was time to try to find a summer job for my son, I helped driving as he again left applications to some markets. Not an easy task, to get a summerjob in Finland!

Something odd happened too: I accidentally also found some studybooks from the waste paper can. So many studybooks, some been published this year! I wiped the books with dump cloth and they will be in good use for my daughter! - I wonder how much money some people do have to throw away this kind of books?

For the dinner I made tortillas. In the blip you can see my daughter's idea about it. There is minced meat, hot tortilla salsa, fried onion, salat, tomatoes and cucumber wrapped into thin bread. And as she is studying forestry in university, she of course has always green nailpolish;)

Evening at home. Watching television. There would be one of my favourite movie coming: James Bond - Skyfall. Daniel Graig is my absolute favourite with Bonds Brosnan and Moore :)

And later bathing in sauna...


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