Mini experience

Gone early today as I'll probably be asleep in an hour. Up early today for a tough 21.5 mile run around Potters Bar and surrounding areas. Only another 9 weeks to go....

Then the quickest shower ever, a hobble over to the train station and straight into central London for Lady A's Birthday present. An hours tour of London in a classic Italian Job style mini.

Awesome fun and learnt a lot about our great city too. I never knew Westminster (green) and Lambeth (red) bridges are in the same colours as the House of Lords, that coke a cola sponsor the London Eye, that the Thames has been significantly narrowed over the years, where the term 'Nosey Parker' originates from and that the stand alone mansion on the Mall is the most expensive in London at £220m....

I would highly recommend it (though don't sit in the back of the Mini if you've just run 3/4 of a marathon...)

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