
By witchcreations

The co-sleeping conundrum

Co-sleeping is always a tricky subject as different cultures and generations hold completely opposing viewpoints and the science also shows pros and cons for each option... However since having little un,  I am definitely all for it...  

When she first came to us, she had only ever slept in a cot, and would totally freak out if I tried to bring her into bed during the night to sooth her... but gradually over the months, she's became more and more used to us and we finally gave up on the cot altogether back in November... since then she's been sleeping wedged in the middle of us every night... It's really helped us to bond and to make her more secure, and  when the night goes well it massively improves all of our quality of sleep... but when she's wiggly it can all be a bit squashed and uncomfortable...   Ideally we need a king size bed, but can't afford one,  so after some debate we've just put up an extra single bed for little un,  squished next to ours and raised to the same height,  in the hope that we can all have a bit of space,  but equally can roll up together when cuddles are required...  We've decorated it so it looks like her special spot and she was really intrigued... but she looked a little uncertain when it came to bedtime... I have to admit I'm a little uncertain as well... I quite like having her snuggled in tightly to me, even though it does give me a bad neck and often leaves me with pins and needles in various limbs...  I'm hoping this doesn't spell the end of cuddles and close contact, but simply gives us more options and room to stretch...   

I'll have to wait and see if it still seems like a good idea in the morning ... 

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