Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Before the Haircut

Along to S and K's this morning to look after Lewis. K was going for a long run as she is training for the London Marathon and S flew down to Southampton to collect a new to him car.
We had great fun. Lewis cooked me lots of food and gave me lots of 'tea'. I gave him some water to add to his tea pot and he thought this was great fun. He continually chatted away and repeated lots of words. He's at a fab stage.
We read stories, built with the duplo and chased each other round the house.
I left, leaving him to have his lunch, a nap and then to get a haircut. I love this little guy so much.

I went to the supermarket, had lunch in Café Nero then home.
I put all my energy into this morning, this afternoon I was exhausted and emotional about a lot of things.
Why does one thought spoil the whole day?

I have taken my tablets for the night and have added a handful of diazepam. It won't be long until I'm asleep and am not thinking anymore.

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