
By Livresse

Rio the Owl

Noemie, my niece, arrived from Montreal today. She will spend 3 weeks with us and go to Lucie's school - the idea is that Lucie will then spend 3 weeks in her school in Montreal.
Julian's mum had her cataract operation today so he was busy taking her to the hospital, then looking after his dad while she had the procedure done. It went really well!. The girls and I joined Julian and his dad for lunch, then I took the girls for a shipping trip at Ocean Terminal, where we saw these beautiful owls. I am always in two minds about supporting these owls in captivity and started talking to one of the guys. The owls are entirely hand-reared which is why they are so tame and all their profit goes mainly to education. They go to schools to show the kids are beautiful they are and explain how we are destroying their habitat. They also use a small proportion for conservation. Anyway, this is Rio, and he was incredibly soft!

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