the woman and her son were feeding the swan family with big lumps of bread.
I had stood near the geese on the shore of the pond. When the swan family had left the scene they carefully moved towards the water.
The swan family had disappeared around the corner and I walked around the buildings to have a look. I found the swans and the four goslings and quite a lot of Nile geese and big gulls fighting for the bread.
One big goose came swimming but was immediately chased by the swan. A bit further away she kept her distance for awhile and seeing no chance, she swom back from where she came.
Vehemently the father swan began to chase the Nile geese and it was a strange view that meanwhile mother swan and the babies, they are big now, eat peacefully, without seemingly being disturbed their meal.

My haiku:

Daily bread they get
The swans defending their share
Swimming in duckweed

And the proverb from the Old Testament Ecclesiastics )

Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.

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