An Artist's Life

By MariB


Wow....when the reminder came that I was nearing a significant blipday, I had to many? How many comments shooting back and forth across land and sea? How many lives have now become part of mine...
When I saw Kendall's survey, I had to agree with each and every reason we all have for blipping and commenting each and every (sometimes not every) day. How the phone-cam and pocket cam have become an appendage my home-town friends are getting used to. How some of us have driven, flown or sailed across the miles to meet in the longer just written words and striking photography of our daily lives. We know each other's interests, passions and loves. As I see the numbers on other blipper's pages, my paltry 730 seems like such a feeble offering....but...blip has survived and we are allowed to see those numbers grow like Topsy!
Here's to you, my camera-crazy friends! :-))

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