
By Leiflife

Fairy Hammocks

Every morning, first thing, I hurry downstairs to let Music and Pearl out to do their "business". Usually, I go back inside, trusting Pearl to keep an eye on the old dog. I like to start my coffee and get their food ready before they return. On this morning I paused in the doorway, my eyes attracted by an interesting phenomena. On the edge on the woods, against the still naked brambles, were oddly shaped patches of luminosity. I slipped on shoes, grabbed my camera, and went to investigate. 

From a distance, they looked curved below and cone-shaped above. Up close, they were obviously fairy hammocks, spun by free-thinking spiders for nature's tiny magical caretakers. They were gossamer, free-form, and drenched in the first dew I have seen this year, aglow with the first light of the day.

I enclose an extra taken from a slight distance so you can see the shape of these lovely things. You can also see, if you are a believer, one tiny late sleeper clambering out of the one on the right. 

I dedicate this blip to @Grace, whose birthday it is today. I am sure she believes. Just to clarify, I am posting Saturday's blip on Sunday, the 21st, which is Grace's birthday.

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