House Martin

aka "The Parr Project". As I was saying... Here, let me explain.

A very good friend and I went to a Tony Ray-Jones and Martin Parr exhibition, curated by the latter at the National Media Museum in Bradford, some year and a half ago. As we were perusing the images, I recognized two locations. One, taken by Tony Ray-Jones in York in the late sixties which I have referred to before.

The one that excited me equally (much to the amusement of T...) had been taken by Martin Parr in the seventies. He had taken it of a street house, but didn't mention the location. However, I knew immediately that it had been taken on one of the streets around A & P in South Manchester as the gateposts of the house were adorned with terracotta tops just like these belonging to their own house.

He'd taken it in such a way that everyone in each of the rooms in the house were conducting their business, apparently oblivious of each other. Brilliant image. I then more recently saw the same picture in a photography magazine and that made me absolutely certain I was on the right track.

I've wandered a few of the streets around about, but am not too sure I've honed it down enough yet. I'd really like to try and recapture the spirit of the original, but not sure how until I've found it. I may even be cheeky and contact Mr P to float the idea.

Maybe I should crowd-fund a project. Go on, give us a pledge - you know it makes sense...  ;)

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