Happy Backyard Critters

I was up before the birds this morning, so as soon as it was light I filled the feeders and put some peanuts out for the squirrels.  I am sure everyone was feeling quite neglected.  

Otherwise, it was a pretty lazy day of slowly unpacking, sorting laundry, and getting my photos off the laptop and onto the BIG external drive where I keep my LR Catalogue. I much prefer working on the iMac because of the big screen, but it’s always a challenge to move things around in Lightroom.  In the end, I have copied the processed jpgs and will import the raw files once again from the SD cards.  There should be an easy way to do this, but I haven’t figured it out. 

I am anticipating a bit of a letdown after the excitement and escape of the last 3 weeks.  Fortunately, I have the blipmeet in Gainesville FL in Apriil to look forward to. 

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