Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

High in the sky

Having some fun at the park.

Rebecca has a second tooth. She is getting less clingy and whiny thankfully. But she's still getting frustrated in learning to stand, walk, crawl etc. I found her sitting up in bed last night! I think there will be something soon. I just don't know what. This is causing some sleeping issues. If its not one thing, it's another.

She's doing well with the childminder. Won't take any milk, but eats loads and makes up for missing her milk when we get home. I'm just happy that she's happy! She was much more of a worry because she's not had many opportunities to get used to being away from me.

Anyway, today was a fun day. I don't think I got a grumble from Elizabeth about anything.

I had to pop into work for something. Rebecca fell asleep on the way, so I left her in the car and just briefly ran in with Elizabeth. I took her into Gill's class and she walked around quite confidently, waving hello and goodbye to the year 7 class. Then when we got to the car she said "thanks for showing me the nursery where you work." It's not a nursery, but close enough!

At the park in the afternoon, she climbed EVERYTHING! She's such a tomboy and daredevil. She wanted to stay "all day long."

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