Second Baby

My second poetry collection.
It arrived today, obviously.
I didn't expect the format to be so 'fat', but, well, babies come in all sizes.
I don't think I'll ever do colour again.  That said, now why shouldn't I do it in colour again?  Not that I have loads of shots inside, though.  Just three.
Very different from my first one.
The idea was not to make money with it ... but it would be fab if it sold a bit.
A bit.
All I really wanted was an official ISBN number and Lib of Congress entry.  I have got them.
64 pages.  It should be thicker next time.  Or not?
Am I satisfied?  I guess.
Am I proud?  Hmmm ...
It took 25 years for the first one to come out.  This one took 9 years.  The third ... no idea if there will be a third, but I'm not discounting it.

Should you be interested, my gmail is on my profile, so please let me know.

What you cannot see here is the huge smile on my face ... haha!

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